Better Farming by Every Farmer
The Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare, Government of India, in association with NABARD has launched a unique programme to take better methods of farming to each and every farmer across the country.
This programme aims to tap the expertise available in the large pool of Agriculture Graduates. Irrespective of whether you are a fresh graduate or not, or whether you are currently employed or not, you can set up your own AgriClinic or AgriBusiness Centre and offer professional extension services to innumerable farmers.
Committed to this programme, the Government is now also providing start-up training to graduates in Agriculture, or any subject allied to Agriculture like Horticulture, Sericulture, Veterinary Sciences, Forestry, Dairy, Poultry Farming, and Fisheries, etc. Those completing the training can apply for special start-up loans for venture.
Earn money and prestige by becoming a consultant to farmers
Agribusiness Centres would provide paid services for enhancement of agriculture production and income of farmers. Centres would need to advice farmers on crop selection, best farm practices, post-harvest value-added options, key agricultural information (including perhaps even Internet-based weather forecast), price trends, market news, risk mitigation and crop insurance, credit and input access, as well as critical sanitary and phyto-sanitary considerations, which the farmers have to keep in mind.
Free Training to set up your Agriclinic or Agribusiness Centre
As an integral part of this nationwide initiative, specialised training will be provided to Agriculture Graduates interested in setting up such a centre. Being provided free of cost, 45 days training course will be offered by select institutes across the country. Initiated by SFAC, and co-ordinated by MANAGE, the course comprises Entrepreneurship and Business Management, as well as skill improvement modules in your chosen areas of activity.
Bank loans available for Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres
Ceiling of project cost for subsidy has been enhanced to Rs.20 lakhs for an individual project (25 lakhs in case of extremely successful individual projects) and to Rs.100 lakhs for a group project.
Depending on the type of venture you want to set up, and with a moratorium of up to 2 years, Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centre Loans can be repaid within 5 to 10 years as per easy installment plans. The rate of interest, margin and security on loans will be decided by the respective bank, as per RBI norms.Depending on your entitlement, you can even apply for margin money assistance.
NOTE: The training course mentioned above is not a guarantee for availing of the loan. Sanctioning of the loan would be on the basis of the techno-economic viability of your project.
*(vide NABARD circular dt.23/07/01)
**(vide GOI order dt.08/01/02)
***In the case of a group of five individuals, one can be a Management Graduate.