Documentation of the work implemented by the DSSSs
- 1.History of the Organisation:
ODP is a voluntary, non-profit organization aiming to develop and strengthen the under-privileged and marginalized sections of society through a right based approach, by organizing the community based people’s institutions to become self-managed and self-reliant, for better livelihood security.
Established on 4th January 1984, ODP is the Mysore Diocesan Social Service Society, registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act- 1960. The perspective of ODP’s work is rooted in the mission of God, to empower men and women and bring back the image of God in humanity. ODP’s role in the development process is that of a catalyst, who will animate and motivate people to:
· Analyse their situation.
· Discover their capabilities and potential.
· Identify root problems which are detrimental to their growth and development.
· Unite and join together to collectively discuss and solve problems and issues.
· Make their own rational decisions which are suited to the local situation and act accordingly for a better civil society.
2. Profile of the Organisation:
· Vision : To build a Society of Love, Peace & Justice.
· Mission : Empowering the marginalized to have legitimate rights along with change in unhealthy attitude and value systems through a process of capacity building,networking and right based action.
· Goal : Integrated Human Development.
· Objectives :
· Organize poor and marginalized women to develop courage and self esteem.
· Strengthen sanghas, central committees, taluk and district level federations and the apex body (Mahilodaya Women’s Federation) through training’s, awareness, exposure and interactions with other groups / institutions.
· Build up the capacity of grass root level leaders and groups to carry forward their activities effectively – at least 5 good and able leaders in each group.
· Enable leaders to become actively involved in the panchayat structures so that they have a legitimate voice and evolve better local governance.
· Build up and strengthen resource teams with effective local leaders – to continue animation and capacity building.
· Strengthen linkages with various government departments and financial institutions – to mobilize available schemes and resources.
· Initiate savings among sangha members for mutual help and support during times of need and to avoid exploitation by middle men / money lenders.
· Increase income and assets for women – at individual, house hold and community levels.
· Enable women to manage resources productively and expand their sources of livelihood.
· Collaborate and co-ordinate with likeminded NGOs working in the field of women’s development and form strong linkages with them to tackle common issues.
· Areas : 4 – Districts, 21 – Taluks, 562 – Panchyaths. 123 – Urban Towns / slums, 1281 villages covering a geographical area of about 21000 sq.kms.
· Thrust Areas:
1. Women Empowerment Program (WEP).
2. Natural Resource Management Program (NRM.
3. Good Governance Program (GGP).
4. Capacity Building Program (CBP).
5. Livelihood Enhancement Program (LEP).
6. Health and Sanitation Program (HSP).
7. Academic Program (AP).
· Approach :
Right Based Approach (evolving from – Charity, Welfare, Development & Peoples participatory approaches)
· Areas of Strength:
· Human Resource Building.
· Making programs into people’s movement.
· Developing linkages and networking for learning.
· Sharing and mutual cooperation, investing in trainings.
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