THE ORGANISATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF PEOPLE’ (ODP), is the Diocesan Social Service Society (DSSS) of Mysore intended for an integrated human development of the socially and economically disadvantaged, the underprivileged and the marginalized sections of Society. Inspired by Christian values of love, sharing, caring, universal brotherhood, concern for the needy, Equality, Justice and Peace, the Diocese of Mysore established and registered the Organisation (ODP) on 4th January 1984. Fr. Becket D’Souza was appointed its first secretary and Founder-Director. The Bishop of Mysore heads the Organisation as President.
Since its inception, ODP has worked towards bringing about changes in the society for better. It evokes changes in people’s unhealthy attitudes and inappropriate social value systems. ODP’s vision is just, peaceful and prosperous individuals and communities without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or race. Hence it provides education, brings awareness and empowers people.
ODP renders its services to all the poor, while placing more emphasis on women, small and marginal farmers, the landless and the most marginalized among the disadvantaged. In all its programs ODP gives special importance to the empowerment of women and there by enables them to come out of debilitating traditional backgrounds and assists them to silhouette an identity for themselves, for their families, and for their communities at large.
Hence ODP’s goal ‘Integrated Human Development’. In this developmental process, ODP acts as an agent that enables, encourages, and facilitates creation of active and committed leaders in the communities who are dedicated to the cause of the uplift of the downtrodden.
Through various programs, ODP strives to enable people to think about and analyse their life situations; helps them to discover their capabilities and potentialities; unites them to act collectively to resolve their problems; empowers them to make their own rational decisions which are suited to and in accordance with local conditions in a given situation; and finally guides them to become agents of their own development and growth – the masters of their own destiny.
Vision : A society of love, peace, justice, prosperity and ecological harmony.
Mission : To empower marginalized communities through capacity building programs, building their networks and by results driven actions to help communities get their legitimate rights and enhance their social economic and ecological status.
Goal : Integrated Human Development.
- Integrity: Serve our community with complete honesty and integrity.
- Respect for People, Communities and Cultures: Treat all people with dignity and respect
- Honesty, Transparency & Commitment: Carry out all our work and actions with the greatest responsibility, discipline and accountability – garnering trust
Objectives :
- Organize poor and marginalized women to develop courage and self esteem.
- Strengthen sanghas, central committees, taluk and district level federations and the apex body (Mahilodaya Women’s Federation) through training’s, awareness, exposure and interactions with other groups / institutions.
- Build up the capacity of grass root level leaders and groups to carry forward their activities effectively – at least 5 good and able leaders in each group.
- Enable leaders to become actively involved in the panchayat structures so that they have a legitimate voice and evolve better local governance.
- Build up and strengthen resource teams with effective local leaders – to continue animation and capacity building.
- Strengthen linkages with various government departments and financial institutions – to mobilize available schemes and resources.
- Initiate savings among sangha members for mutual help and support during times of need and to avoid exploitation by middle men / money lenders.
- Increase income and assets for women – at individual, house hold and community levels.
- Enable women to manage resources productively and expand their sources of livelihood.
- Collaborate and co-ordinate with like minded NGOs working in the field of women’s development and form strong linkages with them to tackle common issues.