Mahilodaya mahila okkuta Annual General Body meeting and election was conducted on 10th July 2019 by retaining one third of the federation members. Orientation was given to new leaders on concept of federation, role and responsibilities of elected members and on electoral process.
Progress report was presented by Mrs. Nandini –Secretary, members suggested to sustain the federation by mobilizing local resources, increase the membership and strengthening of CBOs. Mrs. Suma-Treasurer presented the audited report and the members accepted the same. The board approved Mr. Josh as auditor for the financial year.
In the election process 11 members contested for various positions and 5 officer bearers were selected. Mrs. Esther Rose –Chamarajanagar –President, Mrs. Geetha- Gonikoppal – Vice President, Mrs. Veena –Maddur – Secretary, Mrs. Rajeshwari –Mandya-Joint secretary and Mrs. Asharani – Mysuru as Treasurer.