
Natural Resource Management

From its inception, ODP has been concerned about environment & ecology and has been contributing its mite to protect, enhance and manage natural resources. The RLRC’s goal is to enable needy and marginalised rural communities to develop their capacities for sustainable livelihood. The watershed programe was started in 1985 in a piece-meal manner. Through the years, this program’s approach has changed into an integrated one with active involvement of people. In 1994 the NRM cell was established, to plan and implement watershed programs. In 2003, the NRM cell was named RLRC to give this program a broader perspective and take up diverse options for livelihoods.

Aim and Objectivies:

  • Contribute to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of the poor rural population of drought prone areas in Karnataka
  • Contribute to capacitate the poor and disadvantaged sections of rural population to participate actively in the development process
  • Contribute to improve sustainable natural resource management for enhancing livelihoods of small / marginal farmers and landless families.
  • To reduce pressure on ecology by promotion of alternative renewable resources.