Christmas Day Celebration with differently abled children
Major Programs
The Women Empowerment program, one of the earliest interventions of ODP, was initiated In the beginning, village wise sanghas were formed with the focus of getting women
From the beginning, ODP’s firm conviction is that knowledge is power and the key to empowerment. The knowledge imparted by ODP is to build up the cultural and intellectual levels of people
From its inception, ODP has been concerned about ecology and its steady depletion. Programs to conserve natural resources were taken up by ODP as early as 1985 – 86
LEP seeks to enhance productivity of poor individuals and communities through focused interventions aimed at developing skill sets and assets for greater income generating opportunities.
DONATEImmense activities are going on with the help of several good hearted people across the World. The continuous support has made us come to this stage. We Thank all those who have helped us in the past, who are helping now as well as who are going to help us in future, to serve more and more poor and the needy. Join Hands to the Support us in serving more. To know more...